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Webinar on Indexes of the Somatotropic axis Part 1

In the third lecture in our series on indexes of the biology of functions we discuss the somatotropic axis. After completing this lecture, the endobiogenist can more effectively manage diabetes, neuropathies, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, polycystic ovarian disease and numerous other disorders.


In our series of lectures on indexes of the biology of functions we discuss the somatotropic axis which is particularly broad. After completing part 1 and part 2, the endobiogenist can more effectively manage diabetes, neuropathies, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, polycystic ovarian disease and numerous other disorders.

The somatotropic axis is the most complex hormonal axis. It implicates the greatest number of hormones and types of metabolic activity. Life is initiated by the gonadotropic axis, persists with the thyrotropic axis but is ensured in its durability by the somatotropic axis. In this lecture we group the indexes according the scale of activity they describe: mitochondrial, nucleus, cytoplasm, membrane, growth and anti-growth factors, insulin, growth hormone, and prolactin. The rational of various therapies, from amino acids to medicinal plants will be linked to specific indexes.